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Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 12/17/21

Year: 2021

Our journal, primarily aimed at publishing in theological sciences, aims to publish in the fields of history, art, philosophy, literature and religious education of the social sciences. In particular, it pursues an interdisciplinary point of view in the field of religion, where these sub-domains intersect with theological sciences.

Journal of the Near East University Islamic Research Center (YDUISTEM) covers academic studies concerning the legacy and future of Islamic thought and civilization, prepared in the field of theology and social sciences that deal with the basic problems of these fields from a scientific point of view and offer solutions to this issue. These articles are can be written; research articles, translations, case presentations, research notes, conference and conference texts, book, congress, symposium and panel introductions, book and thesis reviews, literature reviews, simplifications, scientific interviews,  in the form of introductions about contemporary and past scientists.

Author Guidelines 

Our journal accepts the articles online through the DergiPark system at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/yaduitmed

Authors are required to upload the following commitment and copyright transfer form to the system in wet signed form.  


Articles should be submitted to the system in two files. In the first dossier, the information of the author (Name-Surname, E-mail address, Open Address, Institution, ORCID number, Mobile phone number and Authorized author information); the second file should contain the text of the article without an author. If you do not have an ORCID number, you can open an account at https://orcid.org/ and obtain the number.

If the article is presented at a congress, conference or meeting, it has financial support or if there are people / institutions to be acknowledged, it should be stated in the article.

The article should contain between 150-250 abstracts.

Keywords should be between 3-6.

If the article is written in a language other than English "title, abstract and keywords" prepared in English should follow the abstract.

There should also be an EXTENDED ABSTRACT at the end of the article in the range of 500-1000 words, including the literature, methods, findings and conclusions. There is no reference in Extended Abstract.

If the article is written in a language other than Turkish, "title, abstract and keywords" written in Turkish should appear immediately after the abstract.

If the article is written in Arabic or Persian references should also be given in Latin letters (Turkish or English).


Article Submission Guidelines

in Text

·         The article should be written in "Microsoft Word ”program.

·         "Times New Roman" should be used as text typeface.

·         There should be a space at the beginning of the paragraph.

·         Article title should be 14 pt, in font of "Times New Roman", bold and main text.

·         The text should be written in 12 pt. Sub titles should be 12 pt, in font of Times New Roman, bold and text. Subheadings under the secondary subheadings should be 12 points, Times New Roman, bold and italic, and should be at the beginning of the first sentence of the paragraph and end with a period.

·         All tables, graphs and diagrams should be called “figures" and consecutive numbers should be given. Tables should be as less as possible and should contain only very necessary information. Each figure and table should be given a number with Arabic numerals. The title of the figures and tables should be written after the number and cited in the text.

·         Text should be written with 1.5 line spacing.

·         The top and bottom, right, and left spaces left by the word document are essential in page layout.

·         Chicago citation system should be used.

·         The name of the translated works in the original language should be notified to be written on the generic pages.

in Notes

·         Footnotes should be 10 pt.

·         The names of the references (books, theses or journals) should be in italics.

·         In footnotes, articles should be written in quotation marks.

·         Author's name and surname order should be followed in footnotes.

·         For details. Chicago-style. abbreviation should not be used. A meaningful abbreviation of the book should be used instead.

·         If the translator makes a statement about the text, he / she should add them to the end of the page with a footnote.

·         If the paper is transcript should be given with the abbreviation (prep.) added by the author. If the paper is translated from another language into Turkish, it should be given with the abbreviation (trans.).

in Bibliography

·         An independent bibliography should be given at the end of the work.

·         Bibliography can be classified according to the nature of the work. (Archive Resources, Works, Articles, Encyclopedia Articles etc.)

·         Bibliography should only show the articles used in the text.

·         The surname of the author (in small letters) and the first name of the author should be written in the references of the works and articles in the bibliography.

·         Book names should be written in italics.

·         Names of articles in the bibliography should be written in quotation marks.

·         Books should not include page spacing.

·         The page range of the entire manuscript should be shown.

·         If the paper has a doi number, it must be specified.

·         The list of information in the bibliography should be as follows:


Fallmerayer, Jakob Philipp, History of the Trabzon Empire, trans. Ahmet Cevat Eren, publication. pleasure. Celalettin Yavuz - Ismail Hacifettahoglu, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara, 2011.


İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, How the Second Constitutional Monarchy was Declared in 1908, Belleten, c. XX, April 1956, p. 77, p. 103-174. Attachments - Album - Ottoman Turkish Medicine

·         Images, drawings, maps or documents (in computer format such as JPG, TIFF) to be attached to the text should be sent separately.

·         All materials such as pictures and documents should be numbered and their explanations should be written under them.

·         Appropriate-sized spaces should be left in the text for the figures to be inserted between the pages, or clearly indicate where the images will come from.

·         Table or figure captions should be 10 pt and italic. The chapters written in the alphabet other than the Latin alphabet (Arabic alphabet.) should be placed by the author in the place where the text should be, and the different font should be submitted to the institution.

·         Authors should submit a list of words to be included in the index in alphabetical order.

·         Page numbers will be placed according to page layout during graphic design.


The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center expects all stakeholders to bear the ethical responsibilities described below within the scope of publication ethics.
The ethical duties and responsibilities adopted by the Journal of the The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center have been prepared by taking into account the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and policies.

  • Ethical rules must be complied with in the studies conducted on humans and animals.
  • It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
  • Necessary permissions must be obtained to use others' scale, questionnaire, photograph, etc. and stated.
  • In case studies, "informed consent form" should be obtained and stated.
  • If the research has been conducted in the fields listed below, it is mandatory to upload an “Ethics Committee Approval” in the annex of the study.
  • All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation,
  • Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
  • Clinical studies on humans
  • Clinical studies on animals,
  • Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.

Editors' responsibilities

  • Broadcasting decisions
    It is the editor's responsibility to decide which articles will be published in the journal. The editor's decision will be based on the validity and importance of the article and the appropriateness of the journal's scope. Current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism will also be considered.
  • Security
    The editor or any editor/editor board member will not disclose information about a submission to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and publishers.
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
    Unpublished materials described in a submitted article may not be used in the editor's own research or by his assistants without the express written consent of the author.
  • Disclaimer
    All claims expressed in articles are solely those of the authors and may not represent the claims of their affiliates or publisher, editors and reviewers. Any product that can be evaluated in the articles or any claim made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Responsibilities of referees

  • Research articles submitted to our journal for publication are subject to at least two blind peer review.
  • When reviewing the articles, the referees take into account the guidelines written here and the criteria in the referee form.


  • Contribution to Editors' Decisions
    The peer-review process assists the editor and editorial board in making the editor's decisions. It can also serve the author in the preparation of the manuscript.
  • Promptness
    Any selected reviewer who is not qualified to review the research or is written in a paper or knows that immediate review will be impossible should notify the editor and seek hisforgiveness from the review process.
  • Security
    All manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They should respect privacy and not share article information except as permitted by the editor. Referees should not use any name, information or symbol that would reveal their identities on the article file and in their reports.
    While examining the Word file, they should remove their personal information from the settings section. In addition, it is recommended to use names such as users and referees who will not disclose their identities when monitoring changes on the file.
    "Author and last saver" information should be checked in the properties section of the Word file, and there should not be any name, information or symbol that would reveal the identity of the reviewer.
  • Objectivity Standards
    Comments should be made objectively. Personal criticism of the author is not appropriate. Referees should express their opinions with supporting evidence.
  • Acceptance of Resources
    Reviewers should identify cases where the published work cited in the article is not cited in the reference section. Other publications should specify whether the derived observations or variables are at their source. Reviewers will notify the editor that there is significant similarity or overlap between the articles under consideration and other printed articles with personal information.
  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
    Information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for any advantage. Unpublished material described in a submitted article may not be used in the editor's or his assistants' own research. Reviewers should not consider articles with conflicts of interest related to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or affiliated authors, companies, or institutions.

Authors' duties

  • Reporting Standards
    Authors should provide an accurate description of the work done and an objective discussion of its importance. Basic data should be correctly displayed in the article. An article should contain sufficient detail and references to allow understanding. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements create unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  • Ethics Committee Permission and Research Permission
    Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for studies and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article. Articles should include a statement about compliance with Research and Publication Ethics. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.
  • Data Access and Storage
    Authors may be required to submit raw data in connection with an article for editorial review and, if appropriate, should be prepared to provide public access to this data and, in any event, to store such data for a reasonable period of time after publication.
  • Authenticity, Plagiarism, and Acceptance of Sources
    Authors should ensure that their work is original, and if authors have used the work and/or words of others, they should be cited appropriately. Publications that were influential in determining the nature of the reported work should also be noted. Plagiarism constitutes any unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. The similarity report should be taken from the similarity programs provided by universities such as iThencitace, Turnitin, intihal.net and uploaded to the system by the author at the time of article submission. The article's similarity rate is at most 20%; a maximum similarity rate of 2% with another study, including the author's own work; for studies produced from open access master's and doctoral theses, the similarity rate with their own thesis should be at most 5%.
  • Multi, Redundant, or Simultaneous Broadcasting
    An author should generally not publish articles that describe the same research as more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time brings unethical publishing behavior. In general, an author should not submit manuscripts that have been previously published in another journal.
    Any other non-copyrighted material may not be published elsewhere. Also, manuscripts reviewed by the journal should not be resubmitted to copyrighted publications. However, by submitting a manuscript, the author(s) retain the rights to the published material. The copyright remains with the authors (CC-BY) so they can decide on the eventual republishing of their text. The primary reference should be cited in the secondary publication.
  • Article Authoring
    Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the thinking, design, execution or interpretation of the reported work. All contributors must be listed as co-authors. The author ensures that all contributing authors and intruders are included in the author list. Where others are involved in certain aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. All co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and have agreed to submit it for publication.
  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
    All authors must include a statement explaining financial or other financial conflicts of interest that could be interpreted to affect the conclusions or interpretation of their paper. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage. Readers should be informed about who is funding the research and the role of the funders in the research.
  • Implementing the Referee's Suggestions (Correction Sheet) or Not Implementing (Objection)
    If the referees have made suggestions about the article, the author either accepts these suggestions and applies the corrections or does not accept the referee's suggestions. If the referee accepts his suggestions, he should prepare a correction sheet showing the changes he made on the article, and should explain the changes he made in the article in this table. If the referee does not accept his proposals for various reasons, he should present these objections with justification. In both cases, the decision center is the editor and the editorial board.
  • Fundamental Errors in Published Works
    When an author detects a major inaccuracy or inaccuracy in his published work, he must immediately notify the editor or publisher and work with the editor to retract or correct his paper. If the editor or publisher learns of a published work containing a material error from a third party, the author must immediately retract or correct the article or prove the objectivity of the objective document to the editor.
  • Double-Blind Refereeing
    Since double-blind refereeing is applied in our journal, author information should not be written in the article file.


  • The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center is a scientific peer-reviewed journal. It is published in print and electronic media. It is published as one volume and two issues per year, as December and June and December issues. A special issue can be printed according to the decision of the editorial board. It broadcasts in Turkish, English, Arabic, Persian and French.
  • Journal editorial board members can send texts to the journal, but they cannot take part in the publication processes during the period when the text is being evaluated.
    Changes made in journal publication policies and processes are announced on the journal's official website.
  • The average evaluation period of the articles submitted to our journal is two months. The pre-control phase is 7 days, the referee evaluation process is 45 days, and the editing phase is 7 days.

All authors accept and undertake the following items;

  • The submitted article is the original work of the author(s) and they do not plagiarize,
  • All authors have participated in this study individually and they take all responsibility for this study,
  • All authors have seen and approved the final version of the submitted article,
  • The article has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere,
  • They accept and undertake that the text, figures and documents in the article do not violate the "Copyrights" of other persons.
  • It cannot be proposed to withdraw or change the author responsibilities of a work whose evaluation process has begun (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author).


  • The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center is an open access journal, no fee is charged for the journal.
  • No fee is paid to the author for the published texts.
  • No fee is paid to the editorial board and referees.
  • All financial and legal copyright transactions of the translations are done by the article author.
  • No financial support is provided to the author/translator for copyright and any other fees.
  • The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility from the date he sent his article/translation to the Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center.


  • In the Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center, a double-blind refereeing system is applied.
  • Confidentiality is essential in referee reports; For this reason, the names of the referees are not included in the tag of the journal.
  • More than one article can The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center bye sent to a referee in one issue.

The Journal of the The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center is an open access journal, no fee is charged for the journal.
No fee is paid to the author for the published texts.
No fee is paid to the editorial board and referees.
All financial and legal copyright transactions of the translations are done by the article author.
No financial support is provided to the author/translator for copyright and any other fees.
The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility from the date he sent his article/translation to the Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center.

Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).